If you get this error [1], while working on a WS-SecureConversation based application, consider the following:
Things can get really rough in a state WSE2 is in if you create a web garden and use WS-SecureConversation at the same time.
A few weeks ago I was designing an architecture for a complex B2B secure communication channel and parts of it wanted to use some form of a web garden. Since I forgot to disable it, there were trouble.
The strangest thing I noticed when investigating this was that everything worked the first time after IIS restart happened - sure - a session is pinned to the first worker process, the second one just gets created.
Of course, there are workarounds regarding this, but they include some non-trivial WSE2 subclassing.
[1] Additional information: Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security.SecurityFault: The specified source for the derivation is unknown ---> System.Exception: WSE512: This derived key token's parent cannot be found. The reference to the parent token follows: <wsse:SecurityTokenReference xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd"><wsse:Reference URI="uuid:227d47ac-1b2b-45a5-92f0-d7d630aeda86" ValueType="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/04/security/sc/sct" /></wsse:SecurityTokenReference>.
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