Latest daily build of Mono already allows web service proxy creation, compilation and execution. I had to manually compile the wsdl.exe equivalent (called MonoWSDL.exe) and then do:
- mono MonoWSDL.exe (outputs StockQuotes.cs proxy)
- mcs /r:/usr/local/lib/System.Web.Services.dll /t:library StockQuotes.cs
- write a simple console web service client app (StockQuotesClient.cs)
- compile it using mcs /r:StockQuotes.dll StockQuotesClient.cs
- run it with mono StockQuotesClient.exe NASDAQ MSFT
What did I get?

That's sweet. But Mono can now also do it the other way around. I can generate proxies on our platform using the standard wsdl.exe tool. Mono web services test page looks like this:

When one adds the "?wsdl" suffix to a web service endpoint WSDL is returned as expected.
I like it.
[Note: is our free stock ticker web service]