On book writing 

This week I'm clearing issues and fixing mistakes of my current brain child.

It's a book.

The second one.

It's a book on application architecture.

During the review process that I spawned last week, I noticed the following:

  1. Reviewers are strict, which I like a lot
  2. Most of them focus on layout, which is fine and helps a lot
  3. Chapter flow seems to be my weakness
  4. Discovering technical issues requires a lot of time, not everybody has enough cycles to go through it
  5. A lot of people seem to think the draft is ready for print, which is actually not the case. By far.
  6. Everybody wants a special chapter on the must-have technology and/or methodology

I value all opinions and learn a lot from them. Kudos go to all of you, you know who you are.

The book is called: Architecture of Modern .NET Applications - Design Patterns (Arhitektura sodobnih aplikacij .NET - Načrtovalski vzorci)

It's supposted to be available by the end of January 2005. Published by Microsoft Slovenia and distributed to all Slovenian architects and lead developers.

If somebody would like a copy of final cleartext, please send me an email. And yes, it's NOT written in English.

Categories:  Personal | Work
Monday, 20 December 2004 20:02:22 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


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