Ever wanted to have your Windows desktop background look sharp? Like, Bing Gallery sharp? Let me help you.
Here's a little tool I'm releasing today that allows you to:
- Get daily Bing Image of the Day to your desktop
- Perform bulk downloads, multiple images at a time
- Add image title and description to your wallpaper [1]
- Run it as a service
It's all in one tool. Small, simple, efficient.
Here's the parameter model it supports:
BingDailyImage v1.0 - Download desktop wallpaper images from Bing
Copyright © 2021, Matevž Gačnik
Gets Bing Picture of the Day images for today and a specified number of days back.
Usage: BingDailyImage [-c] [-d [days]] [-f folder] [-t [top|bottom]] [-b]
-c Get current Bing image
-d [days] Specifies number of days to fetch.
If you omit this parameter the tool will download
last two weeks (14 days) of Bing wallpapers.
-f Set download folder
If you omit this parameter the folder will be
set to - '%USERPROFILE%\Pictures\Bing Wallpapers'.
-t Add text (image title and description) to images
You can specify text position [top, bottom]. Default is bottom.
-b Set last downloaded image as desktop background
-s install Installs BingDailyImage as a system service
Use -f to specify service download folder path
Use -t to let service add text to images
-s uninstall Uninstalls BingDailyImage as a system service
-s start Starts BingDailyImage service
-s stop Stops BingDailyImage service
-s query Queries BingDailyImage service state
-h Displays help
You can just do a BingDailyImage.exe -c to get the current daily image. By default, it will not tamper with background images, so you'll get the highest resolution available (1920x1200 or 1920x1080), like this:
BingDailyImage v1.0 - Download desktop wallpaper images from Bing
Copyright © 2021, Matevž Gačnik
Downloading Bing Image of the Day for 2021-12-16.
Image date: 2021-12-16
Image title: Old Town in Salzburg, Austria
Image description: When it's lit up like this with a cozy glow, we can admire… When there's a mountain in your city… We're looking at the Old Town portion
of this Baroque city…
Downloading background... Background for 1920x1200 found.
Saving background... Done for 2021-12-16.
Or do a BingDailyImage.exe -d 10 -t to get the last 10 and add a nice, transparent background text to them.
Hell, do a BingDailyImage.exe -s install and forget about it. It's going to download new images once they are published to Bing's servers. All you need to do now is set your Windows 10/11 desktop background to be fetched from the download folder. Done.
Here's the download.
Here's a sample of a downloaded image.

[download original image]
[1] You might be surprised about the fun facts you'll learn every day.