.NET 3.0 - General (11).NET 3.0 - WCF (28).NET 3.0 - WF (8).NET 3.0 - WPF (3).NET 3.5 - General (1).NET 3.5 - WCF (10).NET 4.0 - General (4).NET 4.0 - WCF (3)AI (5)Apple (6)Architecture (15)Articles (10)Blogging (5)CLR (14)Conferences (10)Microsoft (8)Mono (4)MVP (4)Other (73)Parody (1)Personal (64)RSS (11)Silverlight (3)Transactions (9)Web Services (49)Windows 10 (1)Windows 7 (1)Windows Azure (3)Windows Vista (18)Work (49)XML (48)

.NET 3.0 - General (11) 
07/05/2008Accreditus: Gama System eArchive
02/15/2007.NET 3.0 Middleware Technologies Day: Third Incarnation
10/23/2006MSDN Event Presentation: Code and PPT
10/19/2006.NET 3.0 Middleware Technologies Day: Second Incarnation
06/18/2006WinFX Naming Changes and What Not
03/14/2006WWF on x64 Platform
01/28/2006WinFX and the State of Industry
01/19/2006Installing WinFX January 2006 CTP over December 2005 CTP
01/18/2006WinFX January 2006 CTP Released
12/22/2005Longest product name ever
12/22/2005Installation issue with December CTP of WinFX Runtime Components

.NET 3.0 - WCF (28) 
07/05/2008Accreditus: Gama System eArchive
04/08/2008WCF: Reliable Messaging and Retry Timeouts
09/27/2007WCF: Passing Collections Through Service Boundaries, Why and How
09/24/2007Approaches to Document Style Parameter Models
03/27/2007INETA Talk: About WCF Messaging Sessions
02/27/2007WCF: Security Sessions and Service Throttling
02/21/2007WCF, MSMQ et al: Durable Reliable Messaging
02/19/2007WCF: About Exposing Metadata
02/19/2007WCF: Reliable Message Delivery Continued
02/18/2007WCF: Reliable Message Delivery
02/15/2007.NET 3.0 Middleware Technologies Day: Third Incarnation
11/13/2006WCF: Serious Seriousness
10/23/2006MSDN Event Presentation: Code and PPT
10/05/2006.NET 3.0 Middleware Technologies Day
06/07/2006Article: Cooperation Between Workflows and Services
06/06/2006Article: Transactional Semantics in Loosely Coupled Distributed Systems
06/02/2006Article: Concepts and Semantics of Service Contracts
05/31/2006Windows Workflow Foundation: Calling WCF Services
05/13/2006Windows Communication Foundation: negotiateServiceCredential attribute
05/10/2006Windows Workflow Foundation: Exposing Workflows as Services
04/27/2006WCF: certificateValidationMode and revocationMode
03/08/2006WCF February 2006 Intellisense Schema
02/15/2006SLODUG February 2006
12/11/2005WCF - List of Changes from Beta 1 to Beta 2 RC0
08/12/2005Indigo - Multiple endpoints
07/21/2005Indigo Debugging
05/24/2005Indigo: MSMQ Support, Queued Channels
03/27/2005Indigo - Instancing

.NET 3.0 - WF (8) 
02/15/2007.NET 3.0 Middleware Technologies Day: Third Incarnation
10/23/2006MSDN Event Presentation: Code and PPT
10/05/2006.NET 3.0 Middleware Technologies Day
06/07/2006Article: Cooperation Between Workflows and Services
05/31/2006Windows Workflow Foundation: Calling WCF Services
05/11/2006Windows Workflow Foundation: Running Service Activated Workflows on Windows Vista and IIS7
05/10/2006Windows Workflow Foundation: Exposing Workflows as Services
03/14/2006WWF on x64 Platform

.NET 3.0 - WPF (3) 
01/24/2006Microsoft Expression Interactive Designer (Sparkle) - January 2006 CTP Released!
01/22/2006WPF: Photo Browser
01/22/2006Avalon (WPF), "Cider" Designer and January 2006 CTP

.NET 3.5 - General (1) 
04/06/2009Bug in XmlSerializer, XmlSerializerNamespaces

.NET 3.5 - WCF (10) 
04/10/2009Designing Clean Object Models with SvcUtil.exe
07/05/2008Accreditus: Gama System eArchive
05/15/2008Demos from the NT Conference 2008
04/08/2008WCF: Reliable Messaging and Retry Timeouts
09/27/2007WCF: Passing Collections Through Service Boundaries, Why and How
09/24/2007Approaches to Document Style Parameter Models
07/23/2007Managed TxF: Distributed Transactions and Transactional NTFS
07/03/2007Out the Door: WS-ReliableMessaging 1.1
05/30/2007Durable Messaging Continues
03/10/2007Orcas: POX Service Support

.NET 4.0 - General (4) 
10/05/2011Bleeding Edge: Pub/Sub Broker Design
12/09/2010Load Test Tool for Windows Server AppFabric Distributed Cache
10/24/2009Visual Studio: Why this Lack of Pureness Again?
10/24/2009ServiceModel: Assembly Size in .NET 4.0

.NET 4.0 - WCF (3) 
04/10/2017Debugging Windows Azure DevFabric HTTP 500 Errors
10/05/2011Bleeding Edge: Pub/Sub Broker Design
10/24/2009ServiceModel: Assembly Size in .NET 4.0

AI (5) 
02/10/2024On Bosons and Morons
03/19/2023Paradigm Shift is Happening in AI Space and Rarely One Notices
01/17/2023Go on, then.. #AI
12/07/2022A Little Late Night Conversation with @OpenAI

Apple (6) 
08/29/2007Oh my God: 1.1
08/08/2007Apple vs. Dell
07/08/2007Apple iPhone Hacking
05/31/2007All Things Digital: Jobs + Gates
11/07/2006Battle for the Living Room
04/05/2006Apple finally did it

Architecture (15) 
05/04/2019Clouds Will Fail
12/09/2010Load Test Tool for Windows Server AppFabric Distributed Cache
07/17/2008Bleeding Edge 2008
09/24/2007Approaches to Document Style Parameter Models
05/30/2007Durable Messaging Continues
05/12/2007CoreCLR Exposed
02/27/2007WCF: Security Sessions and Service Throttling
02/19/2007WCF: Reliable Message Delivery Continued
02/18/2007WCF: Reliable Message Delivery
02/15/2007.NET 3.0 Middleware Technologies Day: Third Incarnation
10/19/2006.NET 3.0 Middleware Technologies Day: Second Incarnation
10/05/2006.NET 3.0 Middleware Technologies Day
06/06/2006Article: Transactional Semantics in Loosely Coupled Distributed Systems
06/02/2006Article: Concepts and Semantics of Service Contracts
04/18/2005Modern .NET Architecure: Book Done

Articles (10) 
06/28/2024Terence Tao
02/10/2024On Bosons and Morons
06/07/2006Article Summary: May 2006
06/07/2006Article: Cooperation Between Workflows and Services
06/06/2006Article: Transactional Semantics in Loosely Coupled Distributed Systems
06/04/2006Article: XML Schema - Specification Primer
06/03/2006Article: XML Namespaces and PSVI Problems
06/03/2006Article: The Importance of XML Typization
06/02/2006Article: Concepts and Semantics of Service Contracts
06/01/2006Article: Type Systems Compared, XML, CLR

Blogging (5) 
07/26/2007Midyear Reader Profile
03/27/2005Old blog RSS is now discontinued
06/20/2004Going on...
11/09/2003Newest dasBlog
09/03/2003New blogging engine

CLR (14) 
10/09/2008Bleeding Edge 2008: Postback
11/03/2007On Instance and Static Method Signatures
09/19/2007XmlSerializer, Ambient XML Namespaces and Digital Signatures
05/12/2007CoreCLR Exposed
03/11/2007Hassle Free Setups and Market Penetration
06/01/2006Article: Type Systems Compared, XML, CLR
12/28/2005Corflags.exe in 64-bit Environment
12/28/2005Running 64-bit Managed Code
04/11/2005Assembly binding log viewer bug
12/09/2003Inside CLR Workshop
08/02/2003Mono lives...
07/15/2003Back for good
06/23/2003Chris Brumme

Conferences (10) 
10/09/2008Bleeding Edge 2008: Postback
07/17/2008Bleeding Edge 2008
05/12/2007Microsoft NT Conference 2007: Talks
05/26/2006NT Conference 2006 (NTK) - Distraction Overflow
06/10/2005TechEd 2005 Orlando Podcasts
04/18/2004TechEd San Diego 2004
11/27/2003Open for public
10/26/2003PDC started
10/23/200312 hours
10/02/2003PDC Hotel

Microsoft (8) 
12/09/2010Load Test Tool for Windows Server AppFabric Distributed Cache
05/16/2009Speaking at Document Interop Initiative
10/09/2008Bleeding Edge 2008: Postback
07/09/2007Problem: Adding custom properties to document text in Word 2007
07/03/2007Out the Door: WS-ReliableMessaging 1.1
05/31/2007All Things Digital: Jobs + Gates
05/05/2007Resizing Image Attachments in Outlook 2007
11/07/2006Battle for the Living Room

Mono (4) 
08/03/2004Sun Worries
07/01/2004Mono 1.0 Released
09/19/2003Mono site on Mono ASP .NET
09/12/2003Mono web services

MVP (4) 
07/17/2008Bleeding Edge 2008
05/31/2004Daniel does it the right way
04/05/2004MVP Summit: Shy recruiters and dog owners
04/04/2004MVP Global Summit 2004

Other (73) 
12/01/2021Bing Daily Image - A Bing Image of the Day Download Tool
05/04/2019Clouds Will Fail
08/19/2018P != NP Proof Failing
06/07/2011The Case of Empty OptionalFeatures.exe Dialog
06/03/2009Talk at Interoperability Day 2009
07/05/2008Accreditus: Gama System eArchive
06/19/2008Sysinternals Live
04/16/2008Laws and Digital Signatures
01/04/2008European Silverlight Challenge
08/29/2007Oh my God: 1.1
08/29/2007Oh my God: 1.0
05/31/2007All Things Digital: Jobs + Gates
04/18/2007IIS6: Changing the Locale ID when Regional Settings Won't Work
03/11/2007Using Dark Room
03/11/2007Hassle Free Setups and Market Penetration
02/21/2007BITS Download Manager: Version 1.1.0 Available
09/09/2006The curse of Vista x64
07/04/2006BITS Download Manager
06/14/2006Hibernation Issue on Windows XP SP2: >1GB RAM
05/27/2006On AJAX being dead
04/27/2006On Windows compared to 'other' OSs
04/04/2006Eagle View
03/09/2006Joel Spolsky Discussion on Frameworks
03/08/2006Regarding Origami
01/29/2006Presentation Styles of Mr. Gates and Mr. Jobs
12/22/2005Longest product name ever
12/22/2005Installation issue with December CTP of WinFX Runtime Components
12/15/2005Apple <> Intel
12/13/2005The Order of Adoption
07/21/2005Indigo Debugging
06/30/2005Software patents: CII directive
06/10/2005TechEd 2005 Orlando Podcasts
06/07/2005Apple Goes Intel
03/31/2005TechEd 2005: Orlando
11/05/2004Slovenian Developer User Group (SLODUG) Launched
10/15/2004Google Did It Again
08/30/2004What I use Gmail For
08/30/2004Three GMail Accounts Available
08/03/2004Changing faces
07/15/2004Google's problem solver
06/20/2004Going on...
05/27/2004VS 2005 CTP - May 2004 help broken
04/18/2004We Achived A Major Milestone On The Hotel Project Im On On Friday We Deploye
04/08/2004Google's next steps
03/15/2004Microsoft Imagine Cup 2004 - Slovenia
03/03/2004100 days of Windows Server 2003 government
02/01/2004We lost
01/25/2004Windows Media Services 9
10/16/2003APIs in 64 bit world
10/14/2003.NET != Web Services
10/14/2003Avalon in text editor
10/06/2003W32.Swen.A is killing my Inbox
10/04/2003Hmm, NDAs that are not there
09/27/2003Good PDC session
09/15/2003Skype beta
09/13/2003Jeff is at 1.8 already
09/12/2003Windows Server 2k3 is just not there yet
09/08/2003Pete Cole had the same problem
09/05/2003Man of the day
09/04/2003Microsoft's success - praejudicium
09/03/2003SnippetCompiler v1.3
09/01/2003'Server Application Unavailable' Error after Applying Security Update for IE
08/29/2003MIT OpenCourseWare
08/14/2003More on Mono<>Novell
08/04/2003Just in: Novell aquired Ximian
07/23/2003Jorgen Thelin: newest Microsoft employee
06/26/2003Baconizer fun
06/25/2003Post using NewsGator 1.2
06/25/2003Amazon goes RSS
06/24/2003Programming drunks
06/24/2003Towards a spam free future

Parody (1) 
02/10/2024On Bosons and Morons

Personal (64) 
06/28/2024Terence Tao
12/01/2021Bing Daily Image - A Bing Image of the Day Download Tool
03/27/2011Twitter Handle
07/05/2008Accreditus: Gama System eArchive
02/18/2008Calculating Outsourcing Project Cost
11/09/2007Mr. Larry Lessig
08/29/2007Oh my God: 1.1
08/29/2007Oh my God: 1.0
08/08/2007Apple vs. Dell
07/09/2007Problem: Adding custom properties to document text in Word 2007
05/21/2007NTK 2007: About Being Better
05/05/2007Resizing Image Attachments in Outlook 2007
03/16/2007Hana Re
03/11/2007Using Dark Room
03/05/2007Rebuilding Success
02/21/2007BITS Download Manager: Version 1.1.0 Available
11/06/2006I Found Sunsets
09/09/2006The curse of Vista x64
08/13/2006Google <> Microsoft Perception
07/04/2006BITS Download Manager
06/14/2006Hibernation Issue on Windows XP SP2: >1GB RAM
06/02/2006Adobe's Fiefdom
05/26/2006NT Conference 2006 (NTK) - Distraction Overflow
05/17/2006Google goes AJAX: Positive addiction in the framework space
04/27/2006Compare this
04/27/2006On Windows compared to 'other' OSs
03/29/2006Stuck in Frankfurt
03/08/2006Regarding Origami
03/06/2006Origami Mistery
01/03/2006New Year, New Blogger
12/28/2005Acer Ferrari 4005 WLMi
12/22/2005Installation issue with December CTP of WinFX Runtime Components
12/15/2005Apple <> Intel
09/20/2005Book requests
06/30/2005Software patents: CII directive
06/07/2005Apple Goes Intel
05/10/2005Book feedback
05/02/2005Thanks Goran!
04/18/2005Modern .NET Architecure: Book Done
04/18/2005Dog <> owner relationship
12/20/2004On book writing
10/15/2004Google Did It Again
08/30/2004What I use Gmail For
08/03/2004Changing faces
08/03/2004Sun Worries
03/14/2004Andrej has a blog
03/03/2004Microsoft RD & MVP
03/02/2004IIS horror story
01/23/2004DRM protected single bought
12/10/200342" Plasma Screen
11/20/2003Motorola MPX200
11/20/2003The sum of all fears
11/09/2003VRoots Changed
11/09/2003Newest dasBlog
09/08/2003Pete Cole had the same problem
09/06/2003Site reorg
07/15/2003Swapping cars
06/29/2003Leaving for vacation
06/25/2003Post using NewsGator 1.2
06/24/2003Towards a spam free future
06/23/2003Cool machines
06/22/2003Lupus turns 30
06/20/2003Politically correct

RSS (11) 
09/01/2003Read without prejudice..
07/29/2003New blogging engine
07/24/2003Querying RSS URLs on UDDI
07/24/2003OPML nonconformities
07/24/2003The list (continued)
07/22/2003The list
07/22/2003UDDI registration
07/19/2003Dave Winer does it
07/16/2003Dejan blogs
06/23/2003Valid RSS
06/23/2003Things are getting better

Silverlight (3) 
01/04/2008European Silverlight Challenge
05/12/2007CoreCLR Exposed
05/12/2007Silverlight Already on Microsoft.com

Transactions (9) 
05/15/2008Demos from the NT Conference 2008
07/23/2007Managed TxF: Distributed Transactions and Transactional NTFS
07/20/2007Managed TxF: Support in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008
05/30/2007Durable Messaging Continues
02/15/2007.NET 3.0 Middleware Technologies Day: Third Incarnation
06/06/2006Article: Transactional Semantics in Loosely Coupled Distributed Systems
12/11/2005WCF - List of Changes from Beta 1 to Beta 2 RC0
08/12/2005Indigo - Multiple endpoints
06/20/2004OTS 2004

Web Services (49) 
10/05/2011Bleeding Edge: Pub/Sub Broker Design
04/10/2009Designing Clean Object Models with SvcUtil.exe
10/09/2008Bleeding Edge 2008: Postback
09/27/2007WCF: Passing Collections Through Service Boundaries, Why and How
09/24/2007Approaches to Document Style Parameter Models
07/23/2007Managed TxF: Distributed Transactions and Transactional NTFS
07/22/2007WS-Management: Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008
07/03/2007Out the Door: WS-ReliableMessaging 1.1
05/30/2007Durable Messaging Continues
09/13/2006WS-* has an Open Specification Promise
06/06/2006Article: Transactional Semantics in Loosely Coupled Distributed Systems
06/02/2006Article: Concepts and Semantics of Service Contracts
05/27/2006On AJAX being dead
05/11/2006Windows Workflow Foundation: Running Service Activated Workflows on Windows Vista and IIS7
05/10/2006Windows Workflow Foundation: Exposing Workflows as Services
01/18/2006WinFX January 2006 CTP Released
08/12/2005Indigo - Multiple endpoints
03/20/2005Indigo CTP
10/26/2004SCT in WSE2 and WS-SecureConversation
09/16/2004New WS-* and Related Specs
08/27/2004WS-Eventing: SQL Persistance Provider
08/22/2004WS-Eventing Implementation
08/18/2004Services <> Web Services
08/16/2004WSE 2.0 Router
06/20/2004OTS 2004
05/24/2004WSE 2.0 Out of the Closet
05/17/2004What happened?
03/03/2004WSE 2.0 is finished, alias code complete
03/02/2004IIS horror story
01/22/2004DevDays start
01/15/2004WSDL misconceptions
01/10/2004Christian is not the only freak
01/10/2004SoapScope 3.0 Released
11/27/2003Hosting Indigo services
11/26/2003WSE on Windows Server 2003
11/09/2003VRoots Changed
10/14/2003.NET != Web Services
10/14/2003UDDI level 2 status
10/04/2003UDDI level 2 status
09/12/2003Mono web services
09/06/2003Microsoft.com Web Services
08/27/2003Microsoft.com Web Services SDK
08/26/2003Web services subpage redesigned
08/03/2003Mono web services
07/28/2003A mess
07/24/2003Querying RSS URLs on UDDI
07/24/2003The list (continued)
07/23/2003UDDI team responds

Windows 10 (1) 
12/01/2021Bing Daily Image - A Bing Image of the Day Download Tool

Windows 7 (1) 
06/07/2011The Case of Empty OptionalFeatures.exe Dialog

Windows Azure (3) 
04/10/2017Debugging Windows Azure DevFabric HTTP 500 Errors
03/26/2016The Case of Lightweight Azure MMC Snap-In Not Installing on Azure SDK 1.6
03/31/2013The Case of Guest OS Versioning in Windows Azure

Windows Vista (18) 
08/08/2007Windows Vista Performance and Reliability Updates
07/23/2007Managed TxF: Distributed Transactions and Transactional NTFS
07/22/2007WS-Management: Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008
07/20/2007Managed TxF: Support in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008
12/11/2006Windows Vista Gadgets - Exchange Rates
12/08/2006Windows Vista Gadgets - Portfolio
11/30/2006Windows Vista Gadgets - Radio
11/13/2006New York Times: Times Reader and Gypsies
11/08/2006Vista's Last Mile
11/08/2006Microsoft Windows Vista - Done
09/09/2006The curse of Vista x64
07/08/2006Installing .NET Framework 1.1 on Windows Vista Build 5456
05/11/2006Windows Workflow Foundation: Running Service Activated Workflows on Windows Vista and IIS7
03/14/2006New ATI Vista 5308 Drivers
01/28/2006WinFX and the State of Industry
01/19/2006Installing WinFX January 2006 CTP over December 2005 CTP
12/22/2005Installation issue with December CTP of WinFX Runtime Components
05/06/2004Longhorn 4074

Work (49) 
06/07/2011The Case of Empty OptionalFeatures.exe Dialog
06/03/2009Talk at Interoperability Day 2009
05/16/2009Speaking at Document Interop Initiative
10/09/2008Bleeding Edge 2008: Postback
07/17/2008Bleeding Edge 2008
07/05/2008Accreditus: Gama System eArchive
07/09/2007Problem: Adding custom properties to document text in Word 2007
04/18/2007IIS6: Changing the Locale ID when Regional Settings Won't Work
03/11/2007Using Dark Room
10/23/2006MSDN Event Presentation: Code and PPT
10/05/2006.NET 3.0 Middleware Technologies Day
07/08/2006Installing .NET Framework 1.1 on Windows Vista Build 5456
06/14/2006Hibernation Issue on Windows XP SP2: >1GB RAM
05/17/2006Google goes AJAX: Positive addiction in the framework space
03/09/2006Joel Spolsky Discussion on Frameworks
01/28/2006WinFX and the State of Industry
01/19/2006Installing WinFX January 2006 CTP over December 2005 CTP
01/18/2006WinFX January 2006 CTP Released
12/28/2005Running 64-bit Managed Code
12/28/2005Acer Ferrari 4005 WLMi
12/22/2005Installation issue with December CTP of WinFX Runtime Components
12/13/2005The Order of Adoption
10/28/2005Visual Studio 2005 is Gold
09/20/2005Book requests
05/10/2005Book feedback
04/18/2005Modern .NET Architecure: Book Done
03/20/2005Indigo CTP
12/20/2004On book writing
11/05/2004Slovenian Developer User Group (SLODUG) Launched
10/26/2004SCT in WSE2 and WS-SecureConversation
08/22/2004WS-Eventing Implementation
08/03/2004Changing faces
06/20/2004OTS 2004
05/27/2004VS 2005 CTP - May 2004 help broken
05/13/2004See it, hear it
04/18/2004We Achived A Major Milestone On The Hotel Project Im On On Friday We Deploye
10/04/2003UDDI level 2 status
09/01/2003Read without prejudice..
09/01/2003Virtual machine software
09/01/2003'Server Application Unavailable' Error after Applying Security Update for IE
08/26/2003Web services subpage redesigned
08/06/2003XML schema review done
07/31/2003Product spec done
06/24/2003MSMQ limitations
06/23/2003Chris Brumme
06/20/2003OTS 2003
06/20/2003Politically correct

XML (48) 
04/06/2009Bug in XmlSerializer, XmlSerializerNamespaces
08/29/2008XmlSerializer: Serialized Syntax and How to Override It
05/15/2008Demos from the NT Conference 2008
04/16/2008Laws and Digital Signatures
02/13/2008Happy Birthday XML
09/24/2007Approaches to Document Style Parameter Models
09/19/2007XmlSerializer, Ambient XML Namespaces and Digital Signatures
12/11/2006XML - Are parsing APIs too complex?
09/05/2006XML Notepad 2006
06/04/2006Article: XML Schema - Specification Primer
06/03/2006Article: XML Namespaces and PSVI Problems
06/03/2006Article: The Importance of XML Typization
06/01/2006Article: Type Systems Compared, XML, CLR
05/27/2006On AJAX being dead
06/07/2005System.Xml v2 Performance: Blazing
05/04/2005XQuery petition feedback
04/29/2005XQuery Support Petition
04/12/2005XMLisms and binary XML rants
03/20/2005Indigo CTP
01/14/2005Binary XML
08/27/2004WS-Eventing: SQL Persistance Provider
08/22/2004WS-Eventing Implementation
08/18/2004Services <> Web Services
06/25/2004Why only Schematron
05/31/2004Daniel does it the right way
05/17/2004What happened?
05/17/2004Do it the right way
05/13/2004Validation bug in .NET Fx 1/1.1
04/08/2004WebData team
03/08/2004Serious bug in System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader
02/05/2004XML 1.1 is alive
01/24/2004XML instance document survival
01/23/2004Major problem supposed to be fixed: XML Schema versioning
11/26/2003WSE on Windows Server 2003
10/04/2003UDDI level 2 status
09/28/2003Word 2003 namespace change
09/12/2003Mono web services
09/06/2003Microsoft.com Web Services
08/06/2003XML schema review done
07/29/2003XQuery in Whidbey
07/28/2003XPathNavigator discussions
07/24/2003Querying RSS URLs on UDDI
07/22/2003UDDI registration
07/15/2003WSE 2.0 is in the building
06/24/2003Hell just froze over
06/24/2003MSMQ limitations
06/20/2003OTS 2003

Copyright © 2003-2024 , Matevž Gačnik
Recent Posts
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The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my company's view in any way.

My views often change.

This blog is just a collection of bytes.

Copyright © 2003-2024
Matevž Gačnik

Send mail to the author(s) E-mail